Qorvo visits our company to explore new developments in UWB technology

2024-07-16/ By Admin

On July 8, 2024, the Qorvo team visited our company with the aim of strengthening our strategic partnership and jointly promoting industry progress.

Qorvo visits our company to explore new developments in UWB technology

Mr. Yang Yonghui and Han (Qorvo Sr. Marketing Manager)

This visit focuses on the discussion of relevant solutions for UWB technology. UWB technology, as a cutting-edge technology with enormous potential, is leading the innovation in fields such as intelligent positioning and the Internet of Things.

Qorvo visits our company to explore new developments in UWB technology

(Mr. Yang Yonghui, CEO of Tiangong&Weineng, discusses UWB technology with Qorvo team)

During the communication, both teams fully shared their experiences and insights in UWB technology research and application. Qorvo has brought its profound technological accumulation in chip manufacturing and wireless communication fields, while our company has also demonstrated unique advantages in system integration and solution innovation.

Qorvo visits our company to explore new developments in UWB technology
Qorvo visits our company to explore new developments in UWB technology

Through in-depth exploration, we have jointly outlined the broad application prospects of UWB technology in the future. UWB technology will play a key role in precise positioning in smart homes, efficient tracking in industrial automation, and precise navigation in the field of intelligent transportation.

This meeting not only strengthened our strategic partnership with Qorvo, but also injected strong momentum into our continuous innovation in the UWB technology field. We believe that in the near future, the UWB technology solution we have jointly launched will bring more surprises to the market and create a more convenient and intelligent life experience for users!
